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How are race-ethnicity data collected and reported?

The first time participants complete a survey in a Class, they are asked, “With what group or groups do you identify? Please select any boxes that apply.” and can choose to identify with one or more of 21 different race-ethnicity groups.

However, results in reports are not broken out by those fine-grained categories because that level of disaggregation would make it impossible to maintain the confidentiality of participants’ responses. The table below explains all the race-ethnicity categories as they appear in reports and which groups they include from the survey.

If a participant selects more than one race-ethnicity group, they are then asked a follow-up question: “Of your choices, which do you most identify with?” They may select one of the race-ethnicity groups that they previously identified or the option “I identify equally with more than one group.” 

If they select one race-ethnicity group, their response will be included with that race-ethnicity category’s data on the report. If they select “I identify equally with more than one group,” their data will be included in the “Multiracial” category on the report.

Race-Ethnicity Category in Reports

Response Options in the Survey

American Indian or Alaskan Native (AIAN)

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian / Asian-American

  • East Asian (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese)

  • South Asian (e.g., Indian, Pakistani, Nepali, Sri Lankan) 

  • Southeast Asian (e.g., Burmese, Filipino, Hmong, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese)

  • Other Asian / Asian-American

Hispanic / Latino(a) / Latinx

  • Cuban

  • Central American

  • Dominican

  • Mexican-American / Chicano

  • Puerto Rican

  • South American

  • Other Hispanic / Latino(a) / Latinx

Black / African-American 

  • African-American / Black

  • African (Black / Sub-Saharan)

  • Caribbean

  • Other Black

European / European-American / White

  • European / European-American / White

  • Other White

Middle Eastern / North African (MENA)

  • Middle Eastern

  • North African (e.g., Algerian, Egyptian, Libyan, Moroccan, Sudanese, Tunisian)

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (NHPI)

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Participants who identify equally with multiple races/ethnicities

Other Groups

Participants who identify with a race/ethnicity that was not listed

Small Groups

A combination of participants with less than 5 participants in their group

Skipped Race/EthnicQuestion

Participants who marked “prefer not to answer” or skipped the question

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